Contact A CPI Agronomist
If you’re not already partnering with a CPI agronomist, now’s the perfect time to start. Contact us today!

Chris Wagner
Area Business Manager

Kevin Hoffschneider
Procurement Strategy & Product Manager
Office: (402) 744-0090
Cell: (308) 750-7912

Ryan Bohl
Agronomy Coordinator – Seed, Chemical, & Fertilizer
Office: (402) 744-0699
Cell: (308) 991-3888

Anna Kasl
Agronomy Coordinator – Systems Integration & Inventory Controls
Office: (402) 519-4559
Cell: (402) 460-0512

Jeff Consbruck
Sales Agronomist

Derrick Drohman
Sales Agronomist

Mike Garrett
Sales Agronomist

Josh Harms
Sales Agronomist

Travis Keyes
Sales Agronomist

Brent Mau
Sales Agronomist

Travis Meents
Sales Agronomist

Cade Oswald
Sales Agronomist

Zach Parr
Sales Agronomist

Dillon Schall
Sales Agronomist

Mike Stephens
Sales Agronomist

Rudy Stofer
Sales Agronomist

Randy Van Laningham
Sales Agronomist