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Nebraska Cooperative Council Education Foundation Awards Nine Scholarships

[LINCOLN, NE May 23, 2023] – The Nebraska Cooperative Council Education Foundation (NCCEF) has awarded 9 scholarships totaling $20,100 for the 2023/24 academic year to students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL) College of Agricultural Sciences & Natural Resources, the Nebraska College of Technical Agriculture (NCTA) at Curtis, and the University of Nebraska-Kearney (UNK).

The NCCEF scholarship program was initiated for the 1993/94 academic year with funding from voluntary contributions from the agricultural cooperatives which are members of the Nebraska Cooperative Council. Since the program’s inception, 240 scholarships totaling $333,700 have been awarded.

To be eligible for the scholarships, students must be majoring in agribusiness or agricultural economics at UNL, agribusiness or ag production systems at NCTA, or agribusiness at UNK. Eligibility is restricted to  sons/daughters of a parent/legal guardian who has been an active member, director, or employee for at least the prior three years of a cooperative which has been a member in good standing of the Council for at least five years. The NCCEF 2023/24AY recipients are:

Recipient of a $2,500 NCCEF Scholarship in Honor of Robert C. Andersen

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