At CPI one of our six core values is safety. We are committed to a proactive safety culture which provides a safe work environment to protect our employees and the well-being of their families. We will reinforce a safety-first mindset every day. Our employees attend monthly safety meetings as well as annual safety trainings throughout the year on a variety of topics. CPI has regional safety committees that meet monthly to discuss safety issues in their respective territories. We also train our employees to utilize ICE (I Care Enough) cards to stop unsafe acts or processes.
Annual trainings include: Safety leadership Safety communication Machine guarding OSHA 10-hour class Driver awareness Safety beyond the button Incident investigation Safety audit follow up CDL/CLP standardized process
Safety book documentation Hazard communication Emergency Action Plans (EAP) Confined spaces Lock out tag out (LOTO) Bin entry Housekeeping and maintenance Near-miss reporting Pre-agronomy Pre-harvest